Thursday, January 25, 2024

Tomb Of The Terrible: MONSTURD

 This movie was hard to pass. A serial killer mutates with a chemical inside a sewer, to become a monster made of human waste just as the FBI and police are onto him. Come join us as we tell if we like it as much as it's predecessor.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Tomb Of The Terrible: STAY OUT OF THE ATTIC

 When a creepy old man hires a bunch of ex-cons to help him pack up the contents of a creepy old mansion overnight for a huge sum of money, but warns them to stay out of the attic and basement, well, I think you're already thinking what we're thinking. They don't stay out of the fucking attic and bad things happen. Really bad things. Somewhat badly portrayed bad things. The basement isn't really any better, but that would have made for a ridiculously long title. Join us to hear all about it!


 Boy howdy do we have a show for you tonight, it's even educational! Come and get a Terrible history lesson as we discuss Abraham Lincoln VS Zombies. Not the story that Mr. Morton taught you back in school.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tomb Of The Terrible: TRICK OR TREAT

Hey hey, my my, Rock and roll can never die.  Not even when you really want it too.  Trick or Treat takes full advantage of the Satanic Panic going on at the time, both by mocking it and embracing it.  Get ready for one hell of an earworm!