Thursday, December 22, 2022

Bonus Talk: STAR WARS

Some bonus chit-chat with the Exalted Geeks discussing various STAR WARS adjacent things, recorded 12/10/2022...

Bonus Talk: DCEU

Some bonus chit-chat with the Exalted Geeks discussing various DCEU adjacent things, recorded 12/10/2022...

Sunday, December 11, 2022



It's James' annual Birthday Lament, and this year he and the Exalted Geeks took in a showing of the newest instant Christmas Classic, VIOLENT NIGHT! Join James, Brian, Everett, Sarah, Jacob, Marcus, Kevin, Ben and Other James, as they discuss this over delicious pub foods and Holiday themed libations! An elite team of mercenaries breaks into a family compound on Christmas Eve, taking everyone hostage inside. However, they aren't prepared for a surprise combatant: Santa Claus is on the grounds, and he's about to show why this Nick is no saint...

Thursday, December 1, 2022


James is joined once again by Kari to discuss another book we both read--Black Hearts Boys' Choir--and this time they actually have the author--Curtis Lawson--along with, discussing his book, music, and going down various other rabbit trails, as per your usual M+B episode! Lucien Beaumont is a teenage misfit and musical prodigy ostracized by his peers and haunted by familial tragedy. When he discovers an unfinished song written by his dead father—a song that holds terrible power—Lucien becomes obsessed. As he chases after the secret nature of his father's music, the line between gruesome fantasy and real life violence begins to blur. To complete his father's work Lucien believes that he and his group of outcast friends must appease a demonic force trapped within the music with increasingly sadistic offerings. As things spiral out of control he finds that the cost of his art will be the lives of everyone around him, and perhaps his very soul...

Curtis M. Lawson Links: